Wheelchair Accessible Excursions (1 Day Tour)



We have provided a variety of tours for travelers with disabilities, and are proud to provide you with a comfortable tour that takes your needs into consideration. We will introduce you to some insights:



More than two-years experienced experts with government certification will be available to assist. (An English guide will also be needed.)

Transportation/ Equipment 

Transportation is wheelchair accessible and assistance will be provided for transfers.

Adaptive equipment is included. 


Places visited are all wheelchair accessible and can be navigated independently.

There are smooth floors and pathways.

For tourists worrying about dietary restrictions, we will arrange your requirements.


Accommodations are accessible. Rather than just listing that the rooms are accessible, we collect and provide accurate information about the accessibility of the hotel or accommodation. We will also assist you with bathing if needed.


We will coordinate tour schedules for privates and groups that meet your needs, wheelchair accessible transportation, accommodation and restaurant reservations. 




JPY 110,000-

1 Day Tour (5 Hours)

Wheelchair-Friendly accessible taxi (VAN)

Woman caregiver/ 1 person

Translater/ 1 person

* If more than a day, we can arrange your needs.

Please contact us

TEL : 054-298-6888

Email: contact@ckt.jp